Function to visualize p-values from multiHiCcompare results

pval_heatmap(hicexp, alpha = NA, chr = 0)



A hicexp object that has been normalized and has had differences detected.


The alpha level at which you will call a p-value significant. If this is set to a numeric value then any p-values >= alpha will be set to 1 for the visualization in the heatmap. Defaults to NA for visualization of all p-values.


The numeric value for the chromosome that you want to plot. Set to 0 to plot all chromosomes in the dataset.


A heatmap


The goal of this function is to visualize where in the Hi-C matrix the differences are occuring between two experimental conditions. The function will produce a heatmap of the -log10(p-values) * sign(logFC) to visualize where the significant differences between the datasets are occuring on the genome.


data("hicexp_diff") pval_heatmap(hicexp_diff, chr = 22)
#> Matrix dimensions: 353x353
#> Matrix dimensions: 353x353
#> [[1]] #>