Function to extract boundaries from domain data.
extractBoundaries(domains.mat, filter = FALSE, CHR, resolution)
either a matrix
or data.frame
with at least
3 columns. First column is chromosome number/character (1, 2, 3, X) or ID
(chr1, chr2). Non-autosomal/sex chromosomes will be filtered.
The second and third columns are the start and end coordinates
of the domains, respectively. Note these are coordinates of the domain anchor
centers, not anchors. Only the first three columns are used. Required.
logical, indicating whether or not domains exceeding 2mb in width or smaller than 2*(the specified resolution) should be filtered out (default is FALSE, all boundaries will be used). Required.
character vector, specifying which chromosome(s) to extract domain boundaries on (ex: "chr22", case ignored). Unused seqnames are dropped. Required.
numeric, the Hi-C data resolution that domains were called at. Ignored if filter is FALSE, required otherwise.
A GRanges