Differential TAD boundary detection

  resolution = "auto",
  z_thresh = 2,
  window_size = 15,
  gap_thresh = 0.2,
  pre_tads = NULL



Contact matrix in either sparse 3 column, n x n or n x (n+3) form where the first three columns are coordinates in BED format. See "Input_Data" vignette for more information. If an n x n matrix is used, the column names must correspond to the start point of the corresponding bin. Required.


Second contact matrix, used for differential comparison, must be in same format as cont_mat1. Required.


Resolution of the data. Used to assign TAD boundaries to genomic regions. If not provided, resolution will be estimated from column names of matrix. If matrices are sparse, resolution will be estimated from the column names of the transformed full matrix. Default is "auto"


Threshold for differential boundary score. Higher values result in a higher threshold for differential TAD boundaries. Default is 2.


Size of sliding window for TAD detection, measured in bins. Results should be consistent regardless of window size. Default is 15.


Required % of non-zero interaction frequencies for a given bin to be included in the analysis. Default is .2


A list of pre-defined TADs for testing. Must contain two entries with the first corresponding to TADs detected in matrix 1 and the second to those detected in matrix 2. Each entry must contain a BED-like data frame or GenomicRanges object with columns "chr", "start", and "end", corresponding to coordinates of TADs. If provided, differential TAD boundaries are defined only at these coordinates. Optional.


A list containing differential TAD characteristics

  • TAD_Frame - Data frame containing any bin where a TAD boundary was detected. Boundary refers to the genomic coordinates, Gap_Score refers to the orresponding differential boundary score. TAD_Score1 and TAD_Score2 are boundary scores for cont_mat1 and cont_mat2. Differential is the indicator column whether a boundary is differential. Enriched_In indicates which matrix contains the boundary. Type is the specific type of differential boundary.

  • Boundary_Scores - Boundary scores for the entire genome.

  • Count_Plot - Stacked barplot containing the number of each type of TAD boundary called by TADCompare


Given two sparse 3 column, n x n , or n x (n+3) contact matrices, TADCompare identifies differential TAD boundaries. Using a novel boundary score metric, TADCompare simultaneously identifies TAD boundaries (unless provided with the pre-defined TAD boundaries), and tests for the presence of differential boundaries. The magnitude of differences is provided using raw boundary scores and p-values.


# Read in data data("rao_chr22_prim") data("rao_chr22_rep") # Find differential TADs diff_frame <- TADCompare(rao_chr22_prim, rao_chr22_rep, resolution = 50000)