Mikhail Dozmorov, Ph.D., Blick Scholar
Associate Professor, Department of Biostatistics
Affiliate, Department of Pathology
Virginia Commonwealth University
| Google Scholar | My bibliography | LinkedIn | Faculty profile | ORCID
My (Jasmine) Nguyen, Ph.D. candidate, Biostatistics
GitHub: hamy12398 | LinkedIn
Brydon Wall, Research Analyst I, MS Bioinformatics
GitHub: WallBPG
Jonathan Ogata, M.S. Bioinformatics & Genomics Track
Former Bioinformatics intern, 2022-2023
First job: Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine
GitHub: The-Hungry-Caterpillar | LinkedIn
Maggie Marshall, M.S. Bioinformatics student
Former Senior Research Assistant, 2020-2022
First job: Bioinformatics Analyst at PetDx
GitHub: magmarshh | LinkedIn
Tyler Steele, Ph.D.
Former postdoctoral Fellow, 2020-2021
GitHub: twesteele
Spiro Stilianoudakis, Ph.D.
Former graduate student, 2017-2021
First job: Scientist at Procter & Gamble
GitHub: stilianoudakis
Katarzyna Tyc, Ph.D.
Former postdoctoral Fellow, 2019-2020
Current: Assistant professor, Department of Biostatistics, VCU
GitHub: kmt555 | Google Scholar | LinkedIn
Kellen Cresswell, Ph.D.
Former graduate student, 2015-2019
First job: Scientist at Procter & Gamble
GitHub: cresswellkg | LinkedIn
John Stansfield, Ph.D.
Former graduate student, 2015-2019
First job: Manager Nonclinical Biostatistics - Early Clinical Development at Pfizer
GitHub: jstansfield0 | LinkedIn
Edmund Glass, Ph.D.
Former graduate student, 2014-2016
First job: Scientist at PharPoint Research Inc.
GitHub: ERGlass | LinkedIn