Bioconductor R packages
We implement our methods as the R packages deployed on Bioconductor.
scHiCcompare - differential interaction detection in single-cell Hi-C data. Includes imputation, normalization, and differential interaction detection between two groups of scHiC matrices.
[ GitHub, Preprint ] -
preciseTAD - Prediction of boundaries of topologically associating domains (TADs) and chromatin loops from epigenomic data at base-level precision. preciseTADhub - Pre-trained random forest models obtained using preciseTAD. preciseTAD predicted boundaries for 60 cell lines - BED files, hg38
[ Bioconductor, GitHub, Paper ] -
excluderanges - Genomic ranges of deny (aka problematic, exclusion, blacklisted) regions that should be avoided when working with genomic data. For human, mouse, and selected other organisms.
[ Bioconductor, GitHub, Preprint ] -
CTCF - Genomic coordinates of FIMO-predicted CTCF binding sites with motif MA0139.1 (Jaspar).
[ Bioconductor, GitHub, Paper ] -
TADcompare - Differential and time course analysis of Topologically Associated Domains
[ Bioconductor, GitHub, Paper ] -
SpectralTAD - Calling Topologically Associated Domains (TADs) using spectral clustering
[ Bioconductor, GitHub, Preprint, Paper ] -
multiHiCcompare - Joint normalization of multiple Hi-C datasets and comparative analysis of complex Hi-C experiments
[ Bioconductor, GitHub, Paper ] -
HiCcompare - Joint normalization and differential analysis of pairs of chromatin interaction matrices obtained from Hi-C sequencing
[ Bioconductor, GitHub, Preprint, Paper ] -
HMP2data - An R package for data access from the integrative Human Microbiome data portal
[ Bioconductor, GitHub ]
Non Bioconductor
GenomeRunner - A web server and a standalone tool for enrichment analysis of genomic regions in epigenomic annotations
[ GitHub, SourceForge, Paper1, Paper2 ] -
lrcde - An R package for cell type-specific deconvolution and differential gene expression analysis
[ GitHub, Paper ]
- nullranges - Generation of null ranges via bootstrapping or covariate matching.
[ website ]